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We are experts in the testing, diagnose and repair of these modules. This insures that only the parts which are defective are replaced. Using specialty test jigs, we have the experience to correctly test each component and repair the system correctly the first time. Other vendors replace parts without formally cleaning and testing the systems. This often results in damage to the newly replaced parts and failure of the system within a short period of time. We have over 20 years of experience servicing these systems.

Degasser Repair Services Available :

  • Professional Diagnostic Testing of your Degassing Module;

  • Repair, Cleaning and/or Replacement of Defective Parts;

  • Replacement of 12 ml Vacuum Chambers with high performance 0.5 ml Chambers;

  • Optional High Performance Vacuum Pump Upgrades;

  • Complete Retrofit Upgrades with Better Performance for the G1322A and many Waters Alliance and Acquity Systems;

  • Options for Refurbished or New Parts to Save You Money;

  • Lowest Prices, Highest Quality & Quick Repair Turnaround Times.

HPLC Degasser modules most commonly fail after five years of normal use. They are critical to the operation of a modern HPLC system so need maintenance just like the other components that make up your HPLC system. New degasser modules cost several thousand dollars. Many units can be repaired for a fraction of the replacement cost. Even heavily damaged and worn systems can often be refurbished by us for around one half of the cost of a new system.

A defective HPLC degassing module can cause excessive baseline noise, spikes, excessive drifting and/or flow path contamination. In most instances, when your degasser module shows an error, your entire HPLC system is considered out-of-compliance and fails qualification so should be repaired as soon as possible.

  • Agilent & HP brands: We provide expert repair services for the Agilent and HP standalone model G1322A, G1379A, G1379B and G4225A degasser modules plus all of the integrated degassers found in the model G1311B, G1311C, G1312B, G1312C,  G4204A, G4220A, G4220B, G7104, G7120A. Our prices are far lower than what Agilent and other vendors charge.

  • Waters brand: We also service and provide repair parts for the standalone and integrated degassers found in the Waters Alliance and Acquity brand HPLC systems (e.g. 1525, 2690, 2695, 2790, 2795, Acuity UPLC, nano Acquity). New degasser vacuum pumps, vacuum chamber upgrades and related parts are available at greatly reduced prices. 

The first step is to have the system professionally evaluated and tested by us so we can determine what services are required to repair the system. A full cleaning plus replacement of the most commonly found broken degassing module parts with new, refurbished or optionally higher quality aftermarket parts to meet most budgets are offered.

We can also customize and upgrade the degassing module's performance using the latest technology smaller volume vacuum chambers to reduce delay volume, flushing and solvent change-over times without decreasing vacuum degassing capacity. The diagnosis, repair and testing for most systems are all done in our shop by experienced professionals. In some cases we can also provide quotations for parts-only, if you are comfortable doing the repairs yourself.

When you send your Agilent, HP, Waters or Shimadzu brand HPLC degassing module to Chiralizer Services, we will correctly determine which parts of your degasser are defective and send you a formal quotation to replace the defective parts and test the system. We do charge a nominal diagnostic fee to evaluate, clean and test your degasser, but you retain control over the decision to have it repaired or not. Sometimes a cleaning is all it needs. Please give us a call or send us an email to discuss your needs and we can forward you a diagnostic quote with shipping return instructions. Note: For the fastest response, please send us an email which includes your full name, company name, full address, phone #, Degasser Model #, Degasser Serial Number.

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We also provide professional diagnostic and repair services for Waters, Shimadzu, Thermo, Dionex and many other brands of HPLC Degasser modules. Please contact us with your model number for more information.

Chiralizer™ Services, LLC,   USA

Email:  SALES@LC-MS.com

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